About Bildeston Baptist Church

At present we are a small congregation of mainly older folk - but young at heart!  We try to follow our BBC Vision Statement:

  • Belonging to Father God and one another in mutually caring, supportive relationships.
  • Building one another up in a nurturing, empowering & non-judgmental environment.
  • Bringing others along to share our journey and enjoy our life in Jesus.


Find us at the bottom of Duke Street. There is small amount of parking space off road. 

Church Times


Sunday service - 10.45am followed by coffee and biscuits
Motley Crew - Thursday 7.30pm. Bible study, sharing and prayer

Cafe - every Friday


9.00am – 11.30am
The Cafe exists to provide great coffee and cakes etc., and a safe, warm and friendly
space for the community to come and meet together. Well attended by many people
in the village who enjoy a bacon roll and cappuccino etc with their friends. An
important social hub for old and new friends.